4.04.0 su 5 stelle
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1 recensione


It works, but it needs to pay very careful attenction to the signals.

The product seems to be working almost as expected but you cant expect miracles from it.

The main issue is that it suffer great limitations from walls especially in relation with the indoor panel extender which is really not 2000 mq but maybe 50 usable (considered walls).

The secondary issue is that the directional outdoor antenna is really limited and short, if you have a strong outdoor signal it will take it as it is, even if you point at the nearest 4G/3G provider's repeater with no much increase expected.
In my case I will likely install it beside the TV antenna on the roof, where I could get at least a strong 4G signal (not only HSPA).

Btw the positive fact is that indeed it works especially if you own a house with thick walls where you cant take signal inside, so I will rate it 4 stars.
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