The item I received was a cheap knockoff, nothing like the description or pictures. The material was completely different from what was stated. Shipping also took several weeks, much longer than expected. To make matters worse, getting a refund was a hassle. Although the seller approved the return, they never sent a return label. I had to involve eBay to pressure the seller into processing the return and getting my money back. Overall, this was a terrible experience. I do not recommend buying.
d***m (302)- Feedback lasciato dall'acquirente.
Ultimi 6 mesi
Acquisto verificato
Item came fast and well packaged. Would recommend !
s***s (5984)- Feedback lasciato dall'acquirente.
Ultimi 6 mesi
Acquisto verificato
Quality item, well packaged, good seller.
s***s (5984)- Feedback lasciato dall'acquirente.
Ultimi 6 mesi
Acquisto verificato
Quality item, well packaged, good seller.
2***3 (614)- Feedback lasciato dall'acquirente.
Ultimo anno
Acquisto verificato
Excellent quality item. Thank you very much for the great product and excellent service. Incredibly fast delivery. I recommend this seller!